If anyone has ever told you that your son or daughter is too young to enter or explore the world of robotics, and that robotics “is for future programmers” or “genius children”, then consider this. Purdue University published an article which relates to how elementary and high school students can benefit from “Robotics in the classroom”. Purdue University is not the only institution that has reported the positive benefits of children learning robotics. If you scour the internet for “robotics and education” you will find countless articles on the subject.
Robotics and its processes have become the trend in education to meet the new challenges that modern times have bestowed. Our children, and future generations, are really the ones that will be impacted the most as they will require greater skill sets and knowledge to navigate the automation and artificial intelligence landscape.
We must stimulate and ignite the curiosity that is innate in every child. This curiosity is also accompanied by a desire to explore and understand, sometimes, complicated and interesting subjects that can give satisfaction at a cognitive level, stimulating their creativity and logical thought processes.
Some of the benefits of teaching robotics to children, include:
1. Encourages creative thinking
2. Improves active engagement
3. Better prepares children for the jobs of the future
4. Helps with the understanding of math and logic
5. Encourages teamwork
6. Makes learning FUN
7. Creates an interest in programming and improves programming skills
8. Makes the study of STEM or STEAM fun and interesting
9. Gives children confidence

Research at Tuft University’s Dev Tech Research Group has shown that young learners (ages 4 – 7) have shown “powerful and positive learning outcomes.” Based on research conducted by Dr. Marina Bers, of Tuft University, “Early childhood is a wonderful time to spark kids’ interest in coding, robotics, and engineering. Young children are curious about the world around them, and today that world includes technology.”
Learning a foreign language in adulthood may prove challenging. However, that same language learned as a child is absorbed at a faster rate because of the brain’s elasticity and rapid neural formation, also known as the “critical period”. In addition, the earlier one begins the learning process of a certain subject, the more knowledge and ability one may acquire. This is how, in a very practical way, a child from the early age of 4 years old, can begin to acquire skills, knowledge, and abilities through the use of their retention, memory, and tactile learning style.
The Tech STEAM Center uses the LEGO Robot Inventor to teach robotics to children. Children as young as 2nd grade (7 years old) may join our after school program. Robotics is not the only tool we use to teach 21st century skills. We also use game development on varying platforms, electronics, 3D character design, and other subjects to teach and stimulate the minds of students.
Give your child the opportunity to develop a wide range of competencies. Exploring Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM) today, will be instrumental for their future. We plant the seeds; you watch them grow!
Contact us for more information or book a tour of our center. You will be amazed at what our students are accomplishing!
The Tech STEAM Center, Generating the next great generation.
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